Python developer

Python instructor

Creator of Python Dev Society

I'm Mario Zahariev,
Python Instructor & Python Developer

🐍 Founder of Python Dev Society and technical maestro πŸŽ“ at a leading software academy,
I've woven code into solutions for over 8 years. With a bachelor's in defense & security πŸ›‘οΈ
and a master's in Cyber Security πŸ”’, I've also contributed to the realm of AI with my scientific publications πŸ“–.
Tech loves: Python, JavaScript, Django, FastAPI, Flask 🍢, PostgreSQL 🐘, Kali, Linux 🐧, Kubernetes βš™οΈ, GitHub πŸ“.
Outside the digital domain, I'm lost in books πŸ“š, the thrill of the drive πŸš—, and the energy of sports πŸ‹οΈβ€β™‚οΈ

What I Do
Web Development

My website showcases my expertise in web development, delivering visually appealing and functional websites tailored to meet clients' needs.

Data analysis

With a strong background in data analysis, I provide data-driven insights and solutions to businesses, uncovering valuable patterns and trends hidden within their datasets.


As a software engineering lecturer, my aim is to impart the necessary knowledge, experience and skills to my students. The importance of preparing them for the real world of programming is my priority.


Leveraging scripting languages and frameworks, I develop automation solutions that streamline repetitive tasks, increasing efficiency and saving time for businesses.


Through my mentoring program, I provide guidance and support to beginner software developers, helping them navigate their learning journey and overcome challenges they may face.

Content Creator

Driven by my passion for creating an enriching environment for software developers, my website serves as a hub for Python Dev Society, where captivating content, engaging tutorials, and insightful discussions foster collaboration, learning, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends in Python development.

Recent Works
Mentoring Program
Python Examples
Software Development
Latest Blogs
Exciting Python Trends for 2024 πŸš€

Python Dev Society, get ready for an amazing year ahead! πŸŽ‰ Here are some trends we can expect in the Python world for 2024 🐍 🌍

Mario Zahariev - 18 September 2023
Searching Algorithms: Linear Search vs. Binary Search

Let's delve into the world of searching algorithms and explore two popular ones: Linear Search and Binary Search. πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚

Python Dev Society - 04 August 2023
Todo List Manager

Simple and practical Python code snippet for a Todo List Manager - read for more information!

Python Dev Society - 17 June 2023
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